How to align the ticks in multiple y- axes in a matplotlib plot

This post shares a trick to align up the axis ticks on multiple y-axes in a matplotlib plot.

The problem

When examining the relationships between multiple time series or sequences, it is often plausible to plot them in a single graph so that their variations can be seen simultaneously. However, when the time series/sequences have very different scales, for instance, one changes from 1 to 10 while the other varies on an order of thousands, it can be difficult to visualize both of them on a single y-axis. In such cases, a common solution is to plot the 2nd sequence on a separate y-axis on the right hand side of the graph, and let the 2 y-axes share the same x-axis. This can be extended to include a 3rd, or more y-axes if needed.

In matplotlib, a secondary y-axis sharing the same x-axis with another one is called a twin axis, and can be created using: twinax = ax.twinx(). Then, this new axis can be used to plot a different sequence, just like in a normal line plot:

twinax.plot(x, y2, label='2nd y')

One issue arising from this approach is that these 2 y-axes have independent axis ticks, which in general won’t align up. See Figure 1 for an example:

Figure 1. Multiple y-axes plot without tick alignment.

In this example there are 3 different y sequences, 1 on the left and 2 on the right. The curves are plotted onto the y-axes of their corresponding color. Note that they all have very different scales (the red one varies from 0 to 10^8, see the scaling factor at the top of the plot). The grid lines are turned on, to highlight the misalignment of the y-axes ticks.

The solution

You may find some relevant solutions on the internet, for instance, in this Stackoverflow post. However, most of them only allow you to align up a pair of axes, or only a pair of chosen ticks in a pair of axes (e.g. align up 0 on the left y-axis with 100 on the right). These don’t solve the problem satisfactorily enough, in my option. So I went on to work out my own.

Here is the figure showing the result of my solution:

Figure 2. Left: multiple y-axes plot without tick alignment, same as in Figure 1. Mid: same arrays plotted by aligning minimum values in the y arrays. RIght: same arrays plotted by aligning specified values: 0 on the blue, 2.2*1e8 on the red and 44 on the green.
  • Left column: original plot without tick alignment.
  • Mid column: align ticks using the minimum value in each y sequence.
  • Right column: specify some values to align up with: 0 for the blue y-axis, 2.2 * 1e8 for the red and 44 for the green. These are all chosen arbitrarily.

The function to achieve this:

def alignYaxes(axes, align_values=None):
    '''Align the ticks of multiple y axes

        axes (list): list of axes objects whose yaxis ticks are to be aligned.
    Keyword Args:
        align_values (None or list/tuple): if not None, should be a list/tuple
            of floats with same length as <axes>. Values in <align_values>
            define where the corresponding axes should be aligned up. E.g.
            [0, 100, -22.5] means the 0 in axes[0], 100 in axes[1] and -22.5
            in axes[2] would be aligned up. If None, align (approximately)
            the lowest ticks in all axes.
        new_ticks (list): a list of new ticks for each axis in <axes>.

        A new sets of ticks are computed for each axis in <axes> but with equal
    from matplotlib.pyplot import MaxNLocator

    ticks=[aii.get_yticks() for aii in axes]
    if align_values is None:
        aligns=[ticks[ii][0] for ii in range(nax)]
        if len(align_values) != nax:
            raise Exception("Length of <axes> doesn't equal that of <align_values>.")

    bounds=[aii.get_ylim() for aii in axes]

    # align at some points
    ticks_align=[ticks[ii]-aligns[ii] for ii in range(nax)]

    # scale the range to 1-100
    ranges=[tii[-1]-tii[0] for tii in ticks]
    lgs=[-np.log10(rii)+2. for rii in ranges]
    igs=[np.floor(ii) for ii in lgs]
    log_ticks=[ticks_align[ii]*(10.**igs[ii]) for ii in range(nax)]

    # put all axes ticks into a single array, then compute new ticks for all
    locator=MaxNLocator(nbins='auto', steps=[1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10])
    new_ticks=locator.tick_values(comb_ticks[0], comb_ticks[-1])
    new_ticks=[new_ticks/10.**igs[ii] for ii in range(nax)]
    new_ticks=[new_ticks[ii]+aligns[ii] for ii in range(nax)]

    # find the lower bound
    for i in range(len(new_ticks[0])):
        if any([new_ticks[jj][i] > bounds[jj][0] for jj in range(nax)]):

    # find the upper bound
    for i in range(len(new_ticks[0])):
        if all([new_ticks[jj][i] > bounds[jj][1] for jj in range(nax)]):

    # trim tick lists by bounds
    new_ticks=[tii[idx_l:idx_r+1] for tii in new_ticks]

    # set ticks for each axis
    for axii, tii in zip(axes, new_ticks):

    return new_ticks

Some more explanations

The alignYaxes() function first takes the tick values generated by matplotlib, and scales them down to the range of 1-100. With a unified variation range, we can merge these scaled tick values into a single sequence, and let matplotlib create a new set of ticks for us, as if they all belong to the same y- array. This new set of ticks is created using the MaxNLocator:

locator=MaxNLocator(nbins='auto', steps=[1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10])
new_ticks=locator.tick_values(comb_ticks[0], comb_ticks[-1])

Then the new tick values are scaled back, using the scaling factor of each y-axis, to their original scales. Thus, we obtain the equal number of ticks for each sequence, and they all have nice looking figures.

If some specific alignment values are provided, a shift is performed before scaling, and another shift afterwards to restore the offset. This creates the right column plot in Figure 2.

Complete code

Complete script to generate Figure 2:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def make_patch_spines_invisible(ax):
    '''Used for creating a 2nd twin-x axis on the right/left

        fig, ax=plt.subplots()
        ax.plot(x, y)
        tax1.plot(x, y1)
        tax2.plot(x, y2)

    for sp in ax.spines.values():

def alignYaxes(axes, align_values=None):
    '''Align the ticks of multiple y axes

        axes (list): list of axes objects whose yaxis ticks are to be aligned.
    Keyword Args:
        align_values (None or list/tuple): if not None, should be a list/tuple
            of floats with same length as <axes>. Values in <align_values>
            define where the corresponding axes should be aligned up. E.g.
            [0, 100, -22.5] means the 0 in axes[0], 100 in axes[1] and -22.5
            in axes[2] would be aligned up. If None, align (approximately)
            the lowest ticks in all axes.
        new_ticks (list): a list of new ticks for each axis in <axes>.

        A new sets of ticks are computed for each axis in <axes> but with equal
    from matplotlib.pyplot import MaxNLocator

    ticks=[aii.get_yticks() for aii in axes]
    if align_values is None:
        aligns=[ticks[ii][0] for ii in range(nax)]
        if len(align_values) != nax:
            raise Exception("Length of <axes> doesn't equal that of <align_values>.")

    bounds=[aii.get_ylim() for aii in axes]

    # align at some points
    ticks_align=[ticks[ii]-aligns[ii] for ii in range(nax)]

    # scale the range to 1-100
    ranges=[tii[-1]-tii[0] for tii in ticks]
    lgs=[-np.log10(rii)+2. for rii in ranges]
    igs=[np.floor(ii) for ii in lgs]
    log_ticks=[ticks_align[ii]*(10.**igs[ii]) for ii in range(nax)]

    # put all axes ticks into a single array, then compute new ticks for all
    locator=MaxNLocator(nbins='auto', steps=[1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10])
    new_ticks=locator.tick_values(comb_ticks[0], comb_ticks[-1])
    new_ticks=[new_ticks/10.**igs[ii] for ii in range(nax)]
    new_ticks=[new_ticks[ii]+aligns[ii] for ii in range(nax)]

    # find the lower bound
    for i in range(len(new_ticks[0])):
        if any([new_ticks[jj][i] > bounds[jj][0] for jj in range(nax)]):

    # find the upper bound
    for i in range(len(new_ticks[0])):
        if all([new_ticks[jj][i] > bounds[jj][1] for jj in range(nax)]):

    # trim tick lists by bounds
    new_ticks=[tii[idx_l:idx_r+1] for tii in new_ticks]

    # set ticks for each axis
    for axii, tii in zip(axes, new_ticks):

    return new_ticks

def plotLines(x, y1, y2, y3, ax):

    ax.plot(x, y1, 'b-')
    ax.set_ylabel('Blue Y', color='b')

    tax1.plot(x, y2, 'r-')
    tax1.set_ylabel('Red Y', color='r')

    tax2.plot(x, y3, 'g-')
    tax2.set_ylabel('Green Y', color='g')

    ax.grid(True, axis='both')

    return ax, tax1, tax2

if __name__=='__main__':

    # craft some data to plot
    plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 8})



    ax1=figure.add_subplot(1, 3, 1)
    axes1=plotLines(x, y1, y2, y3, ax1)
    ax1.set_title('No alignment')

    ax2=figure.add_subplot(1, 3, 2)
    axes2=plotLines(x, y1, y2, y3, ax2)
    ax2.set_title('Default alignment')

    ax3=figure.add_subplot(1, 3, 3)
    axes3=plotLines(x, y1, y2, y3, ax3)
    alignYaxes(axes3, [0, 2.2*1e8, 44])
    ax3.set_title('Specified alignment')



  1. Hey,
    Thanks a lot for the code, super helpful!
    Just a note that in some cases, I’ve found that using igs=[np.round(ii) for ii in lgs] instead of igs=[np.floor(ii) for ii in lgs] gives better results. For instance, in one case I had ticks ranging from 0 to 9e-2 on the left axis and from -.2 to 1.2 on the right axis. Using np.floor() would squish the right axis, whereas np.round() extends the left one, and the result looks better in my opinion.
    Anyway, thanks very much again!

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