How to change axis tick labels in a matplotlib plot?

This post discusses how to change the tick label texts of an axis in a **matplotlib** plot, while preserving the axis offset.

The problem

Most of the time when one creates a plot in matplotlib, whether it being a line plot using plot(), scatter plot using scatter(), 2D plot using imshow() or contour(), matplotlib will automatically tick the x- and y- axes and add the tick labels at reasonable intervals. However, there might be times when you want to alter some specific tick labels, with a different numerical value, or even a different string.

Here is a stackoverflow question asking specifically how to Modify tick label text.

To set up the context and help formulate the question, consider this simple case:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.arange(5)/1e6
y = x**2

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, y)

It draws a line plot of the parabola y = x^2, as shown below in Figure 1.

Figure 1. A matplotlib line plot of the y=x^2 function.

Suppose we want to change the tick label at position x = 1.0 to x0, and that at x = 1.5 to x0 + dx. This is how one would do it as suggested by the most voted solution in that stackoverflow post:

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, y)
labels = [item.get_text() for item in ax.get_xticklabels()]
labels[3] = 'x0'
labels[4] = 'x0+dx'

The result is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Change the x axis tick labels using the set_xticklabels() approach as suggested by a stackoverflow answer. Note that the scaling factor of 1e-6 is gone.

The fig.canvas.draw() line is necessary because the strings for the tick labels won’t be updated unless explicitly told to. Without this line, the return value of ax.get_xticklabels() will be a list of empty strings, same as the labels list.

However, you might have noticed that something is missing in this solution. The scaling factor of 1e-6, or, using matplotlib‘s terminology, the offset next to the x-axis, is missing.

My proposed solution

Below is my proposed solution:

def changeLabels(axis, pos, newlabels):
    '''Change specific x/y tick labels

        axis (Axis): .xaxis or .yaxis obj.
        pos (list): indices for labels to change.
        newlabels (list): new labels corresponding to indices in <pos>.

    if len(pos) != len(newlabels):
        raise Exception("Length of <pos> doesn't equal that of <newlabels>.")

    ticks = axis.get_majorticklocs()
    # get the default tick formatter
    formatter = axis.get_major_formatter()
    # format the ticks into strings
    labels = formatter.format_ticks(ticks)

    # Modify specific labels
    for pii, lii in zip(pos, newlabels):
        labels[pii] = lii

    # Update the ticks and ticklabels. Order is important here.
    # Need to first get the offset:
    offset = formatter.get_offset()
    # Then set the modified labels:
    # In doing so, matplotlib creates a new FixedFormatter and sets it to the xaxis
    # and the new FixedFormatter has no offset. So we need to query the
    # formatter again and re-assign the offset:


fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, y)
changeLabels(ax.xaxis, [3, 4], ['x0', 'x0+dx'])

The result is shown in Figure 3:

Figure 3. Change the x tick labels, using a proposed offset-preserving method.

More explanations

A bit of more explanations:

The ticking and labeling of the axes in a matplotlib plot are handled by the ticker class. There are 2 folds of the task: 1) the Locator class handles the positioning of the ticks, and 2) the Formatter class provides formatted strings as tick labels.

There are a number of different Formatters, including the FixedFormatter, which is the default one, and the FuncFormatter, that accepts a user-defined custom formatting function.

Normally, the locating of the ticks and formatting of the labels are all done behind the scene, when one draws the plot using or We are now re-doing these inside the changeLabels() function.

Firstly, get the tick values:

ticks = axis.get_majorticklocs()

This is a numpy.ndarray, with values:

[-5.0e-07  0.0e+00  5.0e-07  1.0e-06  1.5e-06  2.0e-06  2.5e-06  3.0e-06
  3.5e-06  4.0e-06  4.5e-06]

At this point, it might be tempting to get the string representation by simply using:

labels = [str(ii) for ii in ticks]

Don’t do this. Unless you have a nice and simple integer array of ticks, this is what you would get from an array of floats:

['-5e-07', '0.0', '5e-07', '1.0000000000000002e-06',
 '1.5e-06', '2e-06', '2.5e-06', '3e-06', '3.5e-06',
 '4e-06', '4.499999999999999e-06']

This is exactly what the Formatter class is designed to do. We query the default one from the input axis object, which in this case is an XAxis:

formatter = axis.get_major_formatter()

And use it to format the ticks:

labels = formatter.format_ticks(ticks)

This labels is a Python list, with values:

['−0.5', '0.0', '0.5', '1.0', '1.5', '2.0', '2.5', '3.0', '3.5', '4.0', '4.5']

This time we get nicely formatted string representations of the floats. Except that the order of magnitude has been set to 1. This is because these values are to be scaled by the offset, which is 1e-6.

To get the offset:

offset = formatter.get_offset()

NOTE that this has to be done before we assign the modified tick labels using the following:

for pii, lii in zip(pos, newlabels):
    labels[pii] = lii


This is because the axis.set_ticklabels() function will create a new FixedFormatter object internally, and assign it to the axis object. This new FixedFormatter has no offset attribute with it. This is why the stackoverflow solution as shown in Figure 2 is wrong, and is also the reason why we need to record the original offset before calling set_ticklabels().

Lastly, after updating the labels, the original offset is re-assigned:


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