Use git in your programming or research work

`git` was initially created by and for programmers. However, some of its features, particularly the version control functionality can benefit researchers in general, not restricted to computer sciences.

What is git?

git is a version control system (VCS)

git is a version control system developed by Linus Torvalds, who is also the father of the Linux operating system, to facilitate the development and maintenance of the Linux kernel. It helps programmers to track the changes in the code and collaborate within a development team.

The story (ref1, ref2) goes that before git, the Linux kernel development team was using a proprietary VCS software, BitKeeper, whose owner later threatened to withdraw the free license after noticing that one team member, Andrew Tridgell, attempted to reverse engineer the BitKeeper protocol. After weeks of failed mediation with BitKeeper, Linus decided to create his own VCS system. So he did, within only a weekend’s time. About 2 months later, git was used to manage a new Linux kernel release.

Therefore, git was initially created by and for programmers, and still is mostly used by them. However, some of its features, particularly the version control functionality can be used to track changes in files other than source codes, and benefit researchers not majoring in computer sciences.

Advantages of git as VCS over the file-renaming approach

The file-renaming approach

One of the core functionalities of git is version control. We probably all have had the experience of copying the work-in-progress document and renaming the file to indicate a version change:


Each of these suffixes labels a new version of the same document, and collectively they form a development history. Being the easiest and most native version control approach, it has 4 major disadvantages:

  1. Version history quickly becomes obscure and difficult to track the changes.

As the revisions pile up, it becomes increasingly difficult to summarize a new version into a few words that can fit into the file name. A numerical version number is nice and clean, but it doesn’t carry much information about what exactly has been changed. Over time (maybe after a month?), the file names start to lose their meanings to you, and you start to look at the modification time instead to order the versions and find the latest one.

  1. Difficult to implement "branches" in the versions

I’m already using the git terminology. By "branches" I mean some kind of alternative pathways of the development of the document. Say for instance, after manuscript_draft_4.tex you decide to revert back to an earlier manuscript_draft_2.tex and start working from there on, so the subsequent development diverges into two separate branches/pathways: one continuing the manuscript_draft_4.tex line of thought and the other going in the direction of manuscript_draft_2.tex. How would you name the next version of the latter line? manuscript_draft_5.tex? That would be equally legit as the next iteration of the manuscript_draft_4.tex branch. I think you get the idea. This suffix-appending scheme may be suffice if you have a single linear development pathway and each new iteration is based only on its immediate predecessor. "Alternative universes" are not easy to maintain in this manner.

  1. Prone to data loss and difficulties in maintaining multiple copies

Before using git when I needed to maintain multiple copies of the same document across different machines, for instance one in my office desktop and another my personal laptop, I used a USB flash drive to copy files over. Other than the slight inconvenience involved in carrying the drive around, plugging-in/out and copying/pasting, it worked fine. Until one time I confused myself with which one was the newer version and overwrote the newer with the older. Because versioning is done by nothing but the creation of new files, once the files themselves are lost or overwritten, one loses the version as well. It is also inconvenient to maintain multiple copies of the same document versions, as you have to copy all the version files over in order to retain the entire version history.

  1. Duplicate copies take more disk spaces.

With the hard drives becoming cheaper, some additional disk space usage is not a big deal today, however it still clutters up your project folder, and makes collaboration less convenient.

The git way

With git as the version control system, there would be a single manuscript.tex file in the project folder, and the different versions are tracked and represented by different commits (we will go deeper into such concepts later). Then the revision history would look like this:

Figure 1. Output from git log --oneline command.

More information can be displayed if such one-liner descriptions are not informative enough:

Figure 2. Output from git log command.

You can browse through the commit history, perform a filtering by the contributor’s name, the time period or track down some individual files/folders. It also allows one to revert back to a previous version and start working from there on, or compare the changes between any 2 commits. With proper usages of the git commands, the entire editing history of the document(s) can be recorded and there will be no lost of data even if you mistakenly overwrite or delete the file(s). Maintenance of multiple copies can also be achieved by pushing and pulling from a remote repository on different machines.

In the next session I will introduce some basic concepts of git by walking you through a common git workflow. In so doing I will also cover some of the most frequently used git commands. git is available in all major platforms including Linux, MaxOS and Windows, with a terminal command line interface or a graphical interface. I’ll be covering only the Linux command line usage of git. If you choose to use a GUI implementation of git or in a different OS, the exact procedures will show some differences, but the basic concepts are the same.

Basic concepts and a sample workflow

Step 0: Install git and do some configurations

git comes pre-installed in some Linux distros. In case not already installed, it is recommended to install it from the distro’s software repository. For instance, for Debian based distros, do

apt install git

For Arch based distros, use pacman:

pacman -S git

After installation, it is recommended to do some basic configurations:

git config --global <name>
git config --global <email>
git config --global core.editor vim
git config --global commit
git config --global status

The --global flag makes these configurations global to all repositories (we will talk about what git repositories are in a minute) of the current user of the system. git has 3 levels of configurations, stored in 3 different files:

level config file location purpose
local =<repo>/.git/config= repository specific settings
global =~/.gitconfig= user specific settings
system =/etc/gitconfig= system-wide settings

The local level config will overwrite global and system ones. Adding the --local flag, or not giving level option to the git config command will set the configs to local level.

In those configs, and define some user information. These are used to label a contributor in a git repository. This information is more important when there are multiple contributors working on a same project.

The and lines define aliases for the 2 most frequently used git commands. They allow you to use

git st

in the command line to achieve the same as if you have typed

git status

Similarly, git ci is short for git commit.

All configuration options are stored in plain text files, and you can use

git config --global --edit

to open the configuration file (in this case, ~/.gitconfig) in a text editor to modify these settings. Typically, you only need to do such configurations for once after you do a new git installation on a new working machine, then you can forget about it and focus on the everyday usage.

Step 1a: Create a repository

After setting up git, the next step would be to create a new git repository (repo for short). A repo is a virtual container of the files of a project. From a file system point of view, it is nothing but a normal folder in the computer, whether it running Linux, Mac or Windows. In that repo folder, git maintains a special .git subfolder (note the leading dot in the directory name) where it stores the repo configurations, metadata and the history of changes. In short, all the magic of git happens inside this .git folder. Outside of .git, you manage files just like in any normal folder. Once you delete .git, you delete the git repo as well, and it becomes truly an ordinary folder in the file system.

There are more than 1 ways to create a git repo, and it is possible to use git as a standalone, offline version control system without connecting to any remote server. However, we will be focusing on a more typical workflow where you maintain a local copy of a git repo in one machine and a remote repo hosted in a hosting service.

Popular choices of git repo hosting services include Github, bitbucket and Gitlab. I used bitbucket initially, then migrated over to Github after it opened private repos for free and I started to experience some connectivity issues with bitbucket (the migration from one service to another is super easy, just a few clicks in the web interface). I had little experience with Gitlab. It allows you to deploy your own host in your own server. In the rest of the post we will be using Github as our hosting service.

After registering an account with Github, you create a new repository from the web interface of Github. Then it presents you a form like the following to fill:

Figure 3. Github web interface for repository creation.

Aside from Owner and Repository name, all other fields are optional.

In this demo, we named the repo git_demo, and gave it a one sentence description A demo repo to illustrate the use of git.

We toggled the Private radio button to make it a private repo, and chose to initialize the repo with a default README file. All these settings, including the repo name, can be changed later on.

After clicking the Create repository button, Github will do the demanded job and present you with this screen after it finishes:

Figure 4. Web interface of newly create Github repo.

It can be seen that in the repo there is currently only one file that Github created for us. Its contents are displayed below. Currently it only has a title "git_demo" and the description line we added earlier on.

Then we click on the green button labeled "Code", and copy this line of code into the clipboard:

This is the URL address of our repo. NOTE that yours will be different.

Go to a terminal window, navigate into a folder where you want to store the repo, and type in the following command (paste the copied URL from clipboard):

git clone

Again use your own URL in the command. Hit enter to execute it. Here is the screenshot of the output:

Figure 5. The git clone command.

After git clone, we navigated into the newly created git_demo folder (now it is a git repo), and showed its contents. You can see the .git folder, and the file.

Now we have a local, private copy of the repo, which is connected to and tracking the remote repo hosted in Github. Next we will be working with our own local copy of the repo. Imagine this is a collaborative work. Other members of the team will be working on their own copies as well.

Step 2: Make changes in the working directory

In the cloned repo, we do some serious, world-changing work:

Figure 6. Make some changes in the local repo.

We added a new file, and appended a new line to the end of In real world applications you will be writing some code files or manuscript files, creating some images etc.. Now examine the current status of the repo, using the

git st

command. (Remember that we have aliased status to st). Here is the output:

Figure 7. Outputs from the git status command.

Notice that git informs us that there is one modified file (modified:, under the Changes not staged for commit: category. And the file is under the Untracked files: category. What do these mean?

In a git repo, there is a staging area, which is a kind of "preparation area" for one to prepare for the changes to be committed (see the schematic in Figure 8). You can make various changes to the files in the repo, like creating new files/folders, modifying existing ones, renaming or deleting things. All these happen in the working directory of the git repo, but nothing has been added to the staging area just yet.

Figure 8. Schematic of the git repo and its functioning.

After making some changes in the working directory, you can choose to add some specific changes, or all of them, to the staging area in preparation for a commit. You could also remove some files from the staging area, or make some more changes and add them to the staging area. Once you are happy with the changes in the staging area, you move onto the next step and commit these changes.

Therefore the general workflow is (see the schematic in Figure 8):

  • a. make new changes.
  • b. add to the staging area (git add).
  • c. commit changes in the staging area (git ci).

In this demo, we would like to add all the new changes to the staging area. We can achieve this by using:

git add -A


git add --all

NOTE there is subtle differences between git add -A, git add * and git add .. The most robust and recommended way is git add -A.

The below image shows the output of git st after git add -A:

Figure 9. Outputs from git add -A command.

Step 3: Make commits

The git commit command

After finishing building the staging area, we can commit these new changes using:

git ci

(Remember that we have aliased commit to ci).

Then git will open an editor for you to type in the commit messages, see Figure 10 below.

Figure 10. Enter the commit messages.

Since we have set the default git editor to vim (see above), it opened a vim session for me to edit the commit messages.

The very first line is the title of this commit, and due to some historical reasons, it is recommended to limit the length of commit title within 50 characters. This also encourages one to build more atomic changes (talked in a min).

The lines starting with a # sign are comments created by git, and thing between the title line and the comments are more detailed descriptions of the commit. You may choose to put some records on all the changed files, or only those most important ones. The key idea is to make it easier for someone else, or your future self, who would be examining the git log to get a good knowledge about this particular commit.

Lastly, after one saves and closes this file, the commit is done.

What are git commits?

Those changes in the staging area are committed into the repo’s history, while those changes you made in the working directory but not added to the staging area, if there are any, are not committed.

A commit is like a snapshot of the repo, it records the current status of all the tracked files in the working directory. Things that have been added by the git add command get some kind of index updated for git to track their status across the development stages. Things that are added to the working directory but have not been added by git add are not tracked, and a git commit won’t affect such untracked files.

Over time, you will be making more and more commits, which would start to form a trace of history, like shown in Figure 1. You can look back at them using the git log command.

For each commit there is a string label, e.g. 6cc52c7, that uniquely defines a commit. The current commit also gets a special "label", HEAD (all in capitals), that by default points to the latest commit.

Try making atomic commits

A good practice of using git is to make atomic commits. "Atomic" means that a single commit contains only some tightly related changes about a very specific issue, a feature, or a topic. In our demo changes made in Step 2, the new file and the modified file are all about a new Python script added to the project, so they qualify as an atomic change. If there had been another new file doing something totally unrelated, it would be better to leave that to another commit. You can see that the staging area is there to help one build atomic changes: you can make a bunch of changes to the working directory, but commit them little by little, each time as an atomic commit.

The advantage of doing atomic commits is to make future maintenance easier. Imagine you make a big commit that bundles multiple new features/new chapters into the code/manuscript, and weeks later you realize there was an error in one of these features/chapters and you need to revert back to the commit where the mistake was made and correct it. Bundled commits make it difficult to pin-point where exactly the issue happened; and even if you do locate it, difficult to perform an accurate surgery that doesn’t affect other unrelated things.

Step 4 [optional] Undo local changes

I made this step optional because you don’t always need to do this. If everything goes correctly, you can move onto step 5. However, we make mistakes, and git provides us some mechanisms to undo them. Note that these undo mechanisms are specific to the local repository, before the changes have been pushed to the remote.

In step 2 we saw that git has a staging area, and to commit some changes there are 2 separate steps: adding to the staging area and committing from the staging area. Therefore there are different undo commands for different situations.

Undo git add

The 1st type is to undo the git add process: you added some changes to the staging area, but later decide to take them down. To achieve this, use git restore --staged or git reset HEAD. For instance,

git restore --staged


git restore HEAD

takes the changes involving the file out from the staging area. To take down everything down from the staging area:

git restore --staged .
git restore HEAD

Note that in Figure 9 after we ran the git add -A command, the git st output already offered you this git restore --staged <file> option:

Changes to be committed:
	(use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)

If you read other tutorials online, you might find that a different option is given instead:

Changes to be committed:
	(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

This is because git restore is a relatively new feature added in version 2.23 (Aug 2019) (see this post), before that, git reset HEAD was the method to take down some staged files. In newer versions after 2.23, both methods work, therefore I included both in the schematic in Figure 8.

Undo changes in working directory

git restore or git reset HEAD only takes down the changed files from the staging area, but that doesn’t make them not "changed files" – the changes are still there, in those files in the working directory. What if you really screwed up and want to revert the changes made to the files?

To achieve this, use

git restore <file>


git checkout <file>

to discard the changes made to <file> and revert it to the last commit. To discard all new changes in all files, use

git restore .


git checkout .

(see Figure 8).

Note that in Figure 7 after we made the new changes to and, the git st output already offered you this git restore <file> option:

Changes not staged for commit:
	(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
	(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

Again, this git restore is new in version 2.23, and git checkout was the old way of doing this, but still works in new versions.

Also note that when you discard changes using git restore or git checkout, those changes are lost permanently. In case you want to retain these changes for later, check out the git stash command.

Undo git add and changes in working directory

To reset the staging area and the working directory to match the most recent commit, use:

git reset --hard

(See the big yellow arrow in Figure 8).

This has the combined effects of git restore --staged and git checkout. After this, the staging area is clear, and no difference exists between any file in the working directory from the last commit. Again, any change you made is permanently lost, so use with care.

Undo git commit

If some changes have already been committed to the git history, there are 2 ways to "undo" them:

  1. git commit --amend

This can be used to modify the most recent commit. Suppose after we committed the changes made to, we decide to let it print Goodbye world! instead of Hello world!, we could:

  • a. edit the file to implement the new changes.
  • b. run git commit --amend --no-edit

Or, we are happy about the changes in both and, but only need to modify the commit messages. Then simply run

git commit --amend

It will prompt you to edit the commit message again.

Note that git commit --amend doesn’t alter the most recent commit, but replaces it with an entirely new one.

  1. git revert

The command

git revert <commit>

undoes a specified commit, but it does this not by going back to a previous commit, but by getting the state right before the target commit, creating a new snapshot of it, and appending the old state as the new HEAD state (latest commit).

For instance, after we committed the change that adds and modifies, the latest state is the one labeled HEAD in Figure 11. To revert the previous commit, we can use

git revert HEAD
Figure 11. Schematic of git revert command.

Note that it will get back to the state right before the target state, i.e. the one labeled HEAD~1 in Figure 11. This tilda-number (~n) expression is used to specify a commit relative to HEAD, in this case, one step backwards from HEAD. Otherwise you will have to use git log to find the hash label to specify the target commit.

As illustrated in Figure 11, this goes back to HEAD~1, and makes a copy of it and appends the copy to the end, so it becomes the new HEAD.

When executing git revert, it will prompt you an editor window, like the one below, to enter the commit messages for this new commit. All the contents shown in Figure 12 are filled automatically by git and I didn’t change anything.

Figure 12. Edit commit messages for a git revert command.

Saving and quitting the editor window finishes the commit.

If you want to revert several steps back, you will have to use

git revert --no-commit <commit>..HEAD
git ci

This will revert everything from the HEAD back to the commit specified by <commit>, again by recreating that commit state and appending it to the end to make it the new HEAD.

The --no-commit flag tells git not to prompt for a message for each commit along the way, but revert all the way back to <commit> in one go.

Step 5 Push to remote

Suppose we have done a whole day’s work at office but we need to do some extra bit during off-work time, we can push the local repository to the remote. This is like "publishing" the local copy onto the remote "hub" such that other people, or you yourself from a different machine, can get access to the updated files and continue working from there.

First, do a git st to check out the current status:

git st

It shows that

Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits.
	(use "git push" to publish your local commits)

Then use git push to push the local repo to remote. Below is a screenshot showing the entire process:

Figure 13. Screenshot showing the git push command.

Step 1b:Pull from remote

Suppose we have got back home and would like to continue working on the project. If this is the first time working with git on the home computer, we will have to repeat the installation and setup procedures as described in Step 0, and get a local copy of the repo by using the git clone command. In all subsequent sessions we only need to pull the latest updates from the remote repo to the local machine:

git pull

This downloads the changes from the remote repo instance to the local one. Therefore, the combination of git push and git pull achieves synchronization between multiple repos. Compared with the flash-drive-copy synchronization strategy, this is both more convenient and less error-prone. There is no danger of mistakenly overwriting something with an old copy, because it always pulls the latest.


This section introduces a typical git workflow and some of the basic concepts. To summarize the entire process:

If this is the 1st time using git to setup a project. You will be using these steps:

  • Step 0: Install and config git.
  • Step 1a: Create a repo.
  • Step 2: Make changes in the working directory.
  • Step 3: Make commits.
  • Step 4: [optional] Undo local changes.
  • Step 5: Push to remote.
  • Step 1b: Pull from remote.

Then, for subsequent sessions, you will be repeating the sequence of Step 1b -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 1b.

git has many other commands, some of which are for collaborations among a team. Since I mostly use git as a single user those are not covered in this post. Hopefully these are enough to get you started.

Work with branches

Previously I mentioned that git can help manage different development pathways, or different branches.

By default, the main branch is called master (yes I’m sticking to the "racist" terminology, thank you). When creating a new brand new repo, that is also the only branch.

People typically create a new branch for new development work. For instance, correcting a bug, adding a new feature, or some experimental work that shouldn’t be integrated into master before fully functional. If you are doing some writing, whether it being academic writing, fictional or playwriting, you can use a new branch to experiment with a different structure of the article, a different plot of the story or a different ending of a character etc.. Different branches are isolated from each other, like parallel universes, so that there is no danger of losing the original work if the experimentation doesn’t work out well. After fully developed, one can choose to merge the development branch into the master branch, and optionally delete the development branch.

Here are some commonly used branching commands in git:

  1. git branch: list all local branches.
  2. git branch -v: list all local branches and their respective. latest commits.
  3. git branch -a: list all local and remote branches.
  4. git branch <branch_name>: create a new branch named <branch_name>.
  5. git checkout <branch_name>: switch to branch named <branch_name>.
  6. git checkout -b <branch_name>: create a new branch and switch to it.
  7. git branch -d <branch_name>: delete the branch named <branch_name> from local repo.
  8. git merge <branch_name>: merge the branch <branch_name> into the current branch.


There are some additional points that are worth noting:

No shame in using the copying-renaming method, and a mental change

To be fair, I still use the file copying-and-renaming method even in my git repos. It is the easiest and fastest way to create some temporary versioning. For instance, when I need to compare multiple different solutions to a problem, having multiple versions of the same Python script allows me to execute each in a different Python session and compare their results. There is no reason not to use a method if it suits the problem best.

Aside from all the technical differences, I feel that there is also a very important psychological factor involved in a VCS workflow like git. Sometimes I would rush out a few computation scripts in a single morning. It does feel like a good amount of work done, but it also leaves quite a mental burden on me: I can’t help worrying about the possible errors hidden inside those scripts. Are they isolated mistakes? Or do they have some far-reaching impacts that could possibly affect my subsequent analyses? Whenever there are some significant changes happening in the repo during a short period of time, such kind of anxiety would start to hurt. Then I won’t feel released until I do a review in the commit messages on very file changed. The relief is almost instantaneous: once the commits are done, I know for sure that they are "engraved" into the git history, labeled, ordered, tracked and isolated. I know where to find them and I know they are only there, not anywhere else. I feel increasingly accustomed to such kind of "milestone" and "registration" mental effects in my everyday usage of git, and I feel that it does help me get more organized about my researches.

git works best with plain text files, not large binary files

When you manage file versions using the copy-renaming scheme, you end up with multiple copies of the same file, taking up unnecessary disk spaces. In git, versions are saved incrementally, meaning that when updating from one commit to another, only the changes during the process are saved. This is more efficient not only for storage but also for file transfers.

However, this incremental saving manner only works for plain text files, such as txt and md files. Source codes of all programming languages, including LaTeX source codes are plain text files. Note that PDF, DOC, ODF and image files are binary files, not plain texts. git can generate binary diffs, but the result won’t be human readable (see ref1, ref2).

It is also not encouraged to put large data files into a git repo, things like videos, NetCDF or dat files are not suitable to be stored in git. If they are quite small in size, it is Ok to save some of them, but not in large numbers. Anything goes above ~ 50 MB should probably be saved elsewhere.


One can create a .gitignore file (note the leading dot) in the git repo to tell git not to track some files/folders. This can be used to prevent some temporary files from being tracked, for instance the pyc files created by Python interpreter, the .swp files created by vim, or the build folder created by some compilers. For more information regarding .gitignore, see ref1, ref2.

The new git restore and git switch commands

We talked about the newly added git restore command. It was meant to replace some functionalities in git checkout and git reset. git switch is another newly introduced command meant to be used to switch branches. For more information, see ref1, ref2.

Write good commit messages

It is regarded good practice to stick to a good format and write informative commit messages, even if you are the only person working on the project (because in some sense, your future self is not too different from a whole different person). Here are some guidelines regarding writing good commit messages: ref1, ref2.

With good commit messages, your git log output can be used as a log/journal of your research/project development. It can help you trace back errors, or provide some lessons to help you progress further in your career.

Manage multiple repos

It is possible that one has to manage multiple local repos in a single machine, each one for a different project. I have about 10 repos that I work with regularly, and about another 10 that I rarely touch anymore. As the number grows, it becomes more difficult to manage all those repos. In a future post I’ll share a script that I created that "scans" through a collection of repos and generates a report for me, telling me which one is lagging behind the remote, which has uncommitted changes etc.. So stay tuned.

One comment

  1. […] a previous post I introduced some basic usages of git. I create git repos (short for repositories) for various […]

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