Create YOLOv3 using PyTorch from scratch (Part-2)

This post talks about reading and parsing the YOLOv3 config file and building a Darknet-53 model using PyTorch.
Create YOLOv3 using PyTorch from scratch (Part-2)

1. Overview

This is Part-2 of the series on building a YOLOv3 model from scratch.

Here is an overview of the series:

  1. Understand the YOLO model.
  2. Build the model backbone: This post. The backbone of YOLOV3 is a fully convolutional network called Darknet-53, which, as its name implies, has a total of 53 convolution layers. We will load the config file of the original YOLOv3 and implement it using PyTorch.
  3. Load pre-trained weights.
  4. Get the tools ready.
  5. Training data preparation.
  6. Train the model.

Also note that it is assumed that you have some experiences with building networks using PyTorch.

2. Parse the config file

YOLOv3 is a fully convolutional model. To implement it using PyTorch, we can use the paper and the config file as a reference and just write up our network module ourselves. Or, we can write some code to parse the config file, and assemble a model from the parsed model structure. This post will take the later approach.

The config file for YOLOv3 can be found in the darknet repository, in the cfg/ folder, with name yolov3.cfg.

2.1. Understand the config file format

The config is a plain text file, with sections denoted by square brackets. Here is the first few lines of the file:

# Testing
# batch=1
# subdivisions=1
# Training
saturation = 1.5
exposure = 1.5

max_batches = 500200


# Downsample


Some format explanations:

  • [ ]: beginning of a section/block. E.g. [net], [convolutional].
  • #: comment line.
  • key=value: key-value pairs.

2.2. Building blocks of the config file


Figure 1: Structure of the YOLOv3 model. Blue boxes represent convolution layers, with their stride level labeled out. Prediction outputs are shown as red boxes, and there are 3 of them, with different stride levels. Pass-through connections are labeled as “Route”, and the layer from which these are taking out are put in parenthese (e.g. Layer 61. Indexing starts from 0). Route connections are labeled by red ellipses.

There are 6 types of blocks/sections in the config file:

2.2.1. [net]

This block contains some overall hyper-parameters of model, e.g. the learning rate, batch size, input image size etc.. We don’t have to take all of them from the config file at this stage, and we can provide the relevant information when they are needed (e.g. during training) later.

2.2.2. [convolutional]

Defines a convolutional block. The possible parameters in this block:

  1. batch_normalize: 1 for including a batch normalization layer after the convolution layer, 0 otherwise.
  2. filters: number of filters in the convolution layer.
  3. size: size of the convolution kernel.
  4. stride: stride of the convolution kernel.
  5. pad: padding in the convolution layer.
  6. activation: leaky for using the leaky ReLU activation, linear for not using an activation function after convolution.

These convolution blocks all appear in sequences of different lengths in the model, and such sequences are represented by boxes with blue background in the model structure schematic in Figure 1. A complete table of the model structure is given in Table 1.

2.2.3. [shortcut]

A “shortcut” is a skip connection, or residual connection added across 2 convolution blocks, forming a residual block. The idea is from the residual network which significantly expanded the practically achievable depth of neural networks.

The shortcut block has a single parameter: from, e.g. from=-3 means taking the output from 3 blocks backwards and using that as the skip connection. The skip connection is added onto the output from the block immediately before the shortcut block, forming a residual block.

There is also an activation=linear parameter in this block but we can safely ignore it.

2.2.4. [route]

A “route” is a pass-through connection that is introduced to enable multi-scale predictions.

In the schematic in Figure 1, the route connections are marked with red labels. There are 4 of them:

  1. Labeled as 1 in Figure 1. In the config file, this is defined as:

       layers = -4

    The layers=-4 parameter means we go back from this route block 4 blocks backwards, and take the output from there.

  2. Labeled as 2a and 2b in Figure 1. In the config file, this is defined as:

       layers = -1, 61

    Note that this time the layers parameter has 2 numbers:

    1. -1: means taking the output from the block before this route block. This corresponds to label 2a in the figure.
    2. 61: means taking the output from the block indexed 61. Note that indexing starts from 0, so it is the 62nd block. This corresponds to label 2b in the figure.

    When the layers parameter has 2 numbers, feature maps taken from these 2 routes are concatenated along the channel dimension, to form the output of this route block.

  3. Labeled as 3 in Figure 1. In the config file, this is defined as:

       layers = -4

    So it is the same as route-1 except that we are taking feature maps from a different block.

  4. Labeled as 4a, 4b in Figure 1. In the config file, this is defined as:

       layers = -1, 36

    This is the similar as route-2.

2.2.5. [upsample]

upsample block has a single parameter stride, and they all take the value of 2, meaning that we up-sample the feature map in the width and height dimensions by a factor of 2, using interpolation (linear, or nearest, doesn’t really matter).

You can find all 2 such blocks in Figure 1, labeled as Upsample x2, and they appear after route-1 and route-3. That’s because route-2a and route-2b are combining outputs at different stride levels: route-1 takes a feature map at stride 32, and route-2b takes one at stride 16, so the former one has to be scaled to stride 16 before they can be concatenated. Similarly for the route-4a, 4b case.

2.2.6. [yolo]

This is the detection outputting layer. In Figure 1, they are represented by boxes with brick-red background color. There are 3 of them, corresponding to detections at 3 size scales, so there are 3 yolo blocks in the config file:

  1. large scale prediction

    In the config file, this is defined as:

       mask = 6,7,8
       anchors = 10,13,  16,30,  33,23,  30,61,  62,45,  59,119,  116,90,  156,198,  373,326
       ignore_thresh = .7
       truth_thresh = 1

    Only these parameters are relevant:

    • anchors: lists the (width, height) sizes of the 9 prescribed anchor boxes (you need to group them into (w, h) pairs yourself).
    • mask: the 3 anchors used for this prediction layer is denoted by this mask parameter. So 6,7,8 means taking the anchors from the anchors list at indices 6, 7 and 8. Note that indexing starts from 0.
    • classes: this is the number of classes to classify the detected object into.

      We will ignore the remaining parameters as they are either unimportant or could be implemented elsewhere. If you are interested, here has some more detailed explanations.

  2. mid scale prediction

    In the config file, this is defined as:

       mask = 3,4,5
       anchors = 10,13,  16,30,  33,23,  30,61,  62,45,  59,119,  116,90,  156,198,  373,326
       ignore_thresh = .7
       truth_thresh = 1

    So only the mask parameter is different.

  3. small scale prediction

    Only the mask parameter is changed to

       mask = 0,1,2

    The rest of the settings are the same as before.

2.3. Entire model structure

Table 1 below lists the entire model structure.

Table 1: Darknet-53 model structure.
Layer Index Repeats Layer Parameters Current stride
0 1 Conv: 32x3x3 1
1 1 Conv: 64x3x3 (s=2) 2
2-4 1 Conv: 32x1x1
Conv: 64x3x3
Residual -3
5 1 Conv: 128x3x3 (s=2) 4
6-11 2 Conv: 64x1x1
Conv: 128x3x3
Residual -3
12 1 Conv: 256x3x3 (s=2) 8
13-36 8 Conv: 128x1x1
Conv: 256x3x3
Residual -3
37 1 Conv: 512x3x3 (s=2) 16
38-61 8 Conv: 256x1x1
Conv: 512x3x3
Residual -3
62 1 Conv: 1024x3x3 (s=2) 32
63-74 4 Conv: 512x1x1
Conv: 1024x3x3
Residual -3
75-80 3 Conv: 512x1x1
Conv: 1024x3x3
81 1 Conv: (nanchors x (5 + nclasses))x1x1 32
82 1 Yolo: large pred 32
83 1 Route: from 79 32
84 1 Conv: 256x1x1 32
85 1 Upsample: x2 16
86 1 Route: cat 85 and 61 16
87-92 3 Conv: 256x1x1
Conv: 512x3x3
93 1 Conv: (nanchors x (5 + nclasses))x1x1 16
94 1 Yolo: mid pred 16
95 1 Route: from 91 16
96 1 Conv: 128x1x1 16
97 1 Upsample: x2 8
98 1 Route: cat 97 and 36 8
99-104 3 Conv: 128x1x1
Conv: 256x3x3
105 1 Conv: (nanchors x (5 + nclasses))x1x1 8
106 1 Yolo: small pred 8

2.4. Write the config-parsing code

Here is a simple function to read and parse the yolov3.cfg file and organize the block definitions into a list of dict:

def parse_config(file_path):
    '''Parse the yolov3.cfg file

        file_path (str): path to the yolov3.cfg file.
        net_config (dict): parameters in the [net] block.
        blocks (list): list of (block_type, block_dict) tuples.
            block_type: 'convolutional', 'route', 'shortcut', 'upsample' or 'yolo'.
            block_dict: a dict containing parameter key-value pairs of the block.

    with open(file_path, 'r') as fin:
        lines = fin.readlines()

    blocks = []
    block = {}

    for ii, lii in enumerate(lines):
        lii = lii.strip()
        if lii == '' or  lii[0] == '#':

        if lii[0] == '[' and lii[-1] == ']':
            if len(block) == 0:
                # very 1st block
                new_block = lii[1:-1].strip().lower()
                # get beginning of a new block
                blocks.append((new_block, block))
                new_block = lii[1:-1].strip().lower()
                block = {}
            # store block setting values
            key, value = lii.split('=')
            block[key.strip()] = value.strip()

    blocks.append((new_block, block))
    net_config = blocks.pop(0)[1]

    return net_config, blocks

3. Create the Darknet-53 model

3.1. Some preparation work

Before jumping into model creation, let’s plan out a bit.

Firstly, below is the folder structure we are going to use to organize things:

        yolov3.cfg     # the downloaded yolov3.cfg file # contains our parse_config() function
        coco/          # coco detection data. You could link to somewhere else
    ckpt/              # to store model weights           # contains code to build the yolo model           # contains code to train the yolo model         # contains code to make inferences using trained model           # to store general purpose utility functions

You can adopt any structure as long as it makes sense to you.

So how are we going to create the model?

Firstly, we are going to write the model-building code in the file.

We have created the parse_config() utility function that parses the YOLOv3 model config file. This gives us a list of block definitions, in the return value of module_list. We can read that list of blocks one by one, and create a PyTorch module implementing the relevant functionality. Then we store these individual block modules in some sort of container.

What type of container should we use? torch.nn.Sequential probably won’t work, because remember the network is not a linear sequence, and we have 3 branches (see Figure 1). So nn.ModuleDict is a good alternative.

It is also noticed that we have several shortcut and route blocks, which all require re-visiting of outputs from previous blocks. This means that we need to cache some intermediate results. We are going to use a dict to do this: use the block index as keys and block outputs as values.

So we need to keep track of the block index as we go through the block list, if it is a block whose output needs to be cached, we store this block’s index into a list called cache_idx, so that when we pass an input image through the model, we can check out from cache_idx whether we need to cache a block’s output or not.

We already explained that when making route connections, making the stride level compatible is a key factor. So, although not necessary, it would be nice to also keep a record of the stride level as we build along. Similarly, it might be worthwhile to also keep track of the channel dimension as well. Because remember, unlike in Keras, you need to provide the nn.Conv2d() initializer with the input channel size. For a convolution layer after a route layer with concatenated feature maps, the input channel size will be sum of 2 previous ones. So storing such information could help.

Again, these are not necessary. You don’t even need to have a parse_config() function to implement a Darknet, as long as the built model works.

So that’s the plan. Now show the code.

3.2. Start the Darknet53 module

We start the Darknet53 module definition like this:

class Darknet53(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, config):

        self.config = config
        self.width = config['width']
        self.height = config['height']
        self.n_classes = config['n_classes']
        self.module_list = config['module_list']

        self.layers, self.stride_dict, self.channel_dict,\
        self.cache_idx, self.yolo_layers =\
            build_modules(self.module_list, self.n_classes)

    def forward(self, x):

The config input argument is a dict containing necessary information of the model configurations, and can be obtained using the following:

CONFIG_FILE = './config/yolov3.cfg'

net_config, module_list = parse_config(CONFIG_FILE)
config = {'net': net_config}
config['module_list'] = module_list
config['width'] = 416
config['height'] = 416
config['n_classes'] = 80

Then in the __init__() initializer, we call a build_modules() function to create the modules. It returns:

  • self.layers: a dict, with block indices as keys and nn.Module implementations as values.
  • self.stride_dict: a dict, with block indices as keys and the current stride level as values.
  • self.channel_dict: a dict, with block indices as keys and the module’s output channel dimension size as values.
  • self.cache_idx: a list storing indices of blocks whose outputs need to be cached.
  • self.yolo_layers: a list storing yolo blocks.

Next, we implemented the 5 types of blocks.

3.3. The convolutional module

Below is a ConvBNReLU module that implements a convolution layer with optional batch normalization and LeakyReLU activation:

 class ConvBNReLU(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, c_in, c_out, kernel_size, stride, padding, bn, act):
        nn.Module.__init__(self) = bn
        bias = 1 - bn
        self.layers = nn.Sequential()
        self.layers.add_module('conv', nn.Conv2d(c_in, c_out, kernel_size,
            stride, padding, bias=bias))
        if bn:
            self.layers.add_module('bn', nn.BatchNorm2d(c_out))
        if act == 'leaky':
            self.layers.add_module('leaky', nn.LeakyReLU(0.1))

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.layers(x)

Note that if batch normalization is used (bn=1), then the convolution layer has no bias term. It is not crucial if you add the bias, but thus built Darknet53 won’t be able to work with the pre-trained weights.

3.4. The shortcut module

There is really no special form of computations in this layer, so we only need to create a dummy nn.Module for shortcut. It only needs to store the index of the block from which the skip connection is taken.

class Shortcut(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, from_idx):
        self.from_idx = from_idx

3.5. The route module

Similar as shortcut, a dummy nn.Module is sufficient. The logic of this block will be implemented in the forward() method of Darknet53.

class Route(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, idx1, idx2):
        self.idx1 = idx1
        self.idx2 = idx2

3.6. The upsample module

upsample is also a simple block:

class Upsample(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, scale):
        self.scale = scale

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=self.scale, mode='nearest')
        return x

There is no trainable parameters involved in the interpolation operation, so technically you can make the upsample block into a dummy nn.Module as well, and call torch.nn.functional.interpolate() inside the forward() method of Darknet53 to achieve the same effect.

3.7. The yolo module

This is the prediction outputting layer. There is a bit more going on here. Code first:

class Yolo(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, n_classes, anchors, stride):

        self.n_classes = n_classes
        self.anchors = torch.tensor(anchors).float()
        self.stride = stride
        self.n_anchors = len(anchors)
        self.grid_mesh = {}

    def forward(self, x):

        b, _, h, w = x.shape
        x = x.view([b, self.n_anchors, -1, h, w]).permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2).contiguous()
        # x: [b, anchors, h, w, features]

        if not
            if (h, w) not in self.grid_mesh:
                grid_yy, grid_xx = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(h), torch.arange(w), indexing='ij')
                grid_yy = grid_yy.view([1, 1, h, w])
                grid_xx = grid_xx.view([1, 1, h, w])
                self.grid_mesh[(h, w)] = (grid_xx, grid_yy)

            grid_xx, grid_yy = self.grid_mesh[(h, w)]
            grid_xx =
            grid_yy =
            # transform x, y
            x[..., :2] = torch.sigmoid(x[..., :2])
            x[..., 0] += grid_xx
            x[..., 1] += grid_yy
            x[..., :2] *= self.stride
            # transform w, h
            x[..., 2:4] = torch.exp(x[..., 2:4]) * self.anchors.view(1, -1, 1, 1, 2).to(x.device)
            # sigmoid objectness scores and cls predictions
            x[..., 4:] = torch.sigmoid(x[..., 4:])

            x = x.view([b, -1, self.n_classes + 5])

        return x

Firstly, we store some attributes:

  • n_classes: number of classes in the classification task.
  • anchors: list of (w,h) tuples of this yolo layer’s anchor boxes. Recall that in YOLOv3 there are 3 anchor boxes for each scale’s predictions. So anchors should contain 3 tuples.
  • stride: as explained in part-1, the stride level of a feature map is an important variable for the localization task. So we definitely need to store it.

In the forward() method, we first manipulate the shape of the input tensor:

b, _, h, w = x.shape
x = x.view([b, self.n_anchors, -1, h, w]).permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2).contiguous()

Recall that in PyTorch, 2D convolution layers output tensors in shape of

[b, c, h, w]

h and w are the feature maps sizes (at this stride level), and c is the channel size, which should be:

n_anchors * (5 + n_classes)

So after the above reshaping and permutation, tensor x has a shape of

[b, n_anchors, h, w, 5 + n_classes]

For training, that’s all we need to do, and we just return x. I’ll give the cost computation code in a later post.

For inference, we need to formulate the predictions.

Firstly, recall that each prediction consists of these elements:

[x, y, w, h, obj, c1, c2, ..., ck]

Now take the sigmoid of the raw location predictions:

x[..., :2] = torch.sigmoid(x[..., :2])

This is the \(\sigma(t_x)\) and \(\sigma(t_y)\) part of the location prediction equation:

\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} b_x = & \sigma(t_x) + c_x \\ b_y = & \sigma(t_y) + c_y \\ b_w = & p_w e^{t_w} \\ b_h = & p_h e^{t_h} \\ \end{aligned} \end{equation}

Then get the \(c_x\) and \(c_y\) terms:

if (h, w) not in self.grid_mesh:
    grid_yy, grid_xx = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(h), torch.arange(w), indexing='ij')
    grid_yy = grid_yy.view([1, 1, h, w])
    grid_xx = grid_xx.view([1, 1, h, w])
    self.grid_mesh[(h, w)] = (grid_xx, grid_yy)

grid_xx, grid_yy = self.grid_mesh[(h, w)]
grid_xx =
grid_yy =

Add them to get bounding box locations, in feature map coordinate:

x[..., 0] += grid_xx
x[..., 1] += grid_yy

This is doing \(b_x = \sigma(t_x) + c_x\) and \(b_y = \sigma(t_y) + c_y\).

To transform from feature map coordinate to image coordinate, multiply with the stride (more on this in the The localization taks section of part-1):

x[..., :2] *= self.stride

Then get the width and height of bounding box prediction:

# transform w, h
x[..., 2:4] = torch.exp(x[..., 2:4]) *\
    self.anchors.view(1, -1, 1, 1, 2).to(x.device)

This is doing the \(b_w = p_w e^{t_w}\) and \(b_h = p_h e^{t_h}\) part.

Then, the objectness score and n-way classifications are all probability values, so we sigmoid them all:

x[..., 4:] = torch.sigmoid(x[..., 4:])

Finally, re-arrange the predictions to a shape of

[b, num_of_predictions, 5 + n_classes]

This is done using:

x = x.view([b, -1, self.n_classes + 5])

3.8. The module-building function

Having all the building blocks ready, let’s write the function that assembles them. Finished code given below:

def build_modules(module_list, n_classes):
    '''Build modules for the Darknet53 model

        module_list (list): list of dicts, each containing parameters of a block.
        n_classes (int): number of classes in the classification task.
        layer_dict (dict): keys are block indices, values are modules.
        stride_dict (dict): keys are block indices, values are current stride
            level of this block's output.
        channel_dict (dict): keys are block indices, values are the channel
            dimension size of this block's output.
        cache_idx (list): indices of blocks whose output need to be cached during
            forward pass.
        yolo_layers (list): list of yolo modules.
    stride_dict = {-1: 1}   # keep track of layer strides
    channel_dict = {-1: 3}  # keep track of layer channels
    layer_dict = nn.ModuleDict()  # store layers
    cache_idx = []                # store indices of layers whose results needs cache
    yolo_layers = []              # store yolo output layers

    for ii, (mod_type, mod_dict) in enumerate(module_list):

        mod_id = len(layer_dict)
        cur_channel = channel_dict[mod_id-1]
        cur_stride = stride_dict[mod_id-1]

        if mod_type == 'net':

        elif mod_type == 'convolutional':
            kernel_size = int(mod_dict['size'])
            stride = int(mod_dict['stride'])
            pad = int(mod_dict['pad'])
            bn = int(mod_dict.get('batch_normalize', 0))
            act = mod_dict['activation']

            if module_list[ii+1][0] != 'yolo':
                c_out = int(mod_dict['filters'])
                mask = module_list[ii+1][1]['mask']
                len_anchors = len(mask.split(','))
                c_out = (5 + n_classes) * len_anchors

            padding = (kernel_size - 1) // 2 if pad else 0
            layer = ConvBNReLU(cur_channel, c_out, kernel_size, stride, padding,
                bn, act)

            cur_stride *= stride
            cur_channel = c_out
            layer.stride = cur_stride

        elif mod_type == 'shortcut':
            from_idx = int(mod_dict['from'])
            if from_idx < 0:
                from_idx = mod_id + from_idx

            layer = Shortcut(from_idx)

        elif mod_type == 'route':
            idx = mod_dict['layers']
            if ',' in idx:
                idx1, idx2 = map(int, idx.split(','))
                idx1, idx2 = int(idx), None

            if idx1 < 0:
                idx1 = mod_id + idx1


            if idx2 is None:
                cur_channel = channel_dict[idx1]
                if idx2 < 0:
                    idx2 = mod_id + idx2
                cur_channel = channel_dict[idx1] + channel_dict[idx2]

            cur_stride = stride_dict[idx1]
            layer = Route(idx1, idx2)

        elif mod_type == 'upsample':
            stride = int(mod_dict['stride'])
            cur_stride = int(cur_stride / stride)
            layer = Upsample(stride)

        elif mod_type == 'yolo':
            mask = list(map(int, mod_dict['mask'].split(',')))
            anchors = mod_dict['anchors'].split(',')
            anchors = list(map(int, map(str.strip, anchors)))
            anchors = list(zip(anchors[::2], anchors[1::2]))
            anchors = [anchors[ii] for ii in mask]
            cur_channel = (5 + n_classes) * len(anchors)

            layer = Yolo(n_classes, anchors, cur_stride)

        # store layer, current stride, current channel
        layer_dict[str(mod_id)] = layer
        stride_dict[mod_id] = cur_stride
        channel_dict[mod_id] = cur_channel

    keys = list(layer_dict.keys())
    keys = list(map(int, keys))
    for kk in keys:
    return layer_dict, stride_dict, channel_dict, cache_idx, yolo_layers

A more detailed break down of the function and some points:

3.8.1. Overall structure

The input module_list is a list of (mod_type, mod_dict) tuples. When iterating through module_list, we first get the block’s index, and the stride and channel size of its immediate predecessor:

stride_dict = {-1: 1}   # keep track of layer strides
channel_dict = {-1: 3}  # keep track of layer channels
layer_dict = nn.ModuleDict()  # store layers
cache_idx = []                # store indices of layers whose results needs cache
yolo_layers = []              # store yolo output layers

for ii, (mod_type, mod_dict) in enumerate(module_list):

    mod_id = len(layer_dict)
    cur_channel = channel_dict[mod_id-1]
    cur_stride = stride_dict[mod_id-1]

Depending on what mod_type is, 'convolutional', 'upsample' etc., we build different modules:

    if mod_type == 'net':
    elif mod_type == 'convolutional':
        # ...
    elif mod_type == 'shortcut':
        # ...
    elif mod_type == 'route':
        # ...
    elif mod_type == 'upsample':
        # ...
    elif mod_type == 'yolo':
        # ...

Then at the end of the iteration, we store the built module into the layer_dict dict, and update the current stride level and channel size:

    # store layer, current stride, current channel
    layer_dict[str(mod_id)] = layer
    stride_dict[mod_id] = cur_stride
    channel_dict[mod_id] = cur_channel

The stride level is changed only in 2 ways:

  • down-sampling (stride x2) by a convolutional block which uses a stride=2 convolution.
  • up-sample (stride /2) by an upsample block.

3.8.2. The convolutional block before a yolo block

For a convolutional block, we read the size, stride etc. parameters. But we also do something special if the next block is a yolo block:

if module_list[ii+1][0] != 'yolo':
    c_out = int(mod_dict['filters'])
    mask = module_list[ii+1][1]['mask']
    len_anchors = len(mask.split(','))
    c_out = (5 + n_classes) * len_anchors

This is because if that is the case, then the output channel of this conv layer needs to be n_anchors * (5 + n_classes). n_classes is in the config dict we stored earlier, and n_anchors is given by the mask parameter in the yolo block that follows.

In the yolov3.cfg, the output channel is hard coded to be 255, that works for n_classes = 80 and n_anchors = 3. So this arrangement makes it earlier to adapt to other class numbers, or anchor box numbers if you decide to change that as well.

3.8.3. Store the indices of shortcut and route blocks

As mentioned earlier, we need to store the from_idx of a shortcut block to cache_idx, because that’s an intermediate output needs to be cached.

Similarly, we also store idx1 and/or indx2 indices taken from a route block into the cache_idx list.

3.8.4. The str and int types of block indices

nn.ModuleDict requires str type as keys. So when storing modules into layer_dict, the block index is converted to str:

layer_dict[str(mod_id)] = layer

For stride_dict and channel_dict, we use int type indices as keys.

3.8.5. Summarize the build_module() function

  1. Call the parse_config() function to get block definitions stored in a list.
  2. Go through the block definition list, and for each new block:
    1. Create a new module, give it a 0-based index.
    2. Store the module in a ModuleDict, using index (cast to str) as key.
    3. Store the module’s stride level in a stride_dict dict, using index as key.
    4. Store the module’s channel dimension size in a channel_dict dict, using index as key.
    5. Store the module in a yolo_layers list, if it is a [yolo] block.
  3. Return collected things.

3.9. The forward() method of Darknet53

This is the last missing piece. Code first:

def forward(self, x):
    cache_dict = {}  # cache intermediate outputs
    outputs = []     # collect outputs from yolo layers

    for idx, layer in self.layers.items():
        idx = int(idx)

        if isinstance(layer, (ConvBNReLU, Upsample)):
            x = layer(x)
        elif isinstance(layer, Shortcut):
            skip = cache_dict[layer.from_idx]
            x += skip
        elif isinstance(layer, Route):
            x = cache_dict[layer.idx1]
            if layer.idx2 is not None:
                x =[x, cache_dict[layer.idx2]], dim=1)
        elif isinstance(layer, Yolo):
            x = layer(x)

        # cache intermediate results
        if idx in self.cache_idx:
            cache_dict[idx] = x

    if not
        outputs =, dim=1)

    return outputs

The code is fairly simple. We just pass the input tensor x through all the blocks, and depending on what type of block, do different things:

  • For convolutional or upsample blocks: call its forward() method.
  • For shortcut block: read from cache the residual term and add it to x.
  • For route block: if it has only 1 index (route 1 or 3 in Figure 1), read from cache and use the cache as the new current state x. If it has 2 indices (route 2a 2b or 4a 4b in Figure 1), read from cache 2 previous outputs, concatenate them and use as the new current state x.
  • For yolo block: call its forward() method and collect the output.
  • If the block’s output needs to be cached, store it in cache_dict.

4. Test drive

I was taught that when writing a neural network, it is a good practice to pass it some random numbers and see the if the program terminates normally and if you get the expected shape. Let’s do this to test out our Darknet53:

if __name__ == '__main__':

    CONFIG_FILE = './config/yolov3.cfg'
    from config import load_config

    net_config, module_list = load_config.parse_config(CONFIG_FILE)
    config = {'net': net_config}
    config['module_list'] = module_list
    config['width'] = 416
    config['height'] = 416
    config['n_classes'] = 80

    model = Darknet53(config)
    x = torch.randn([4, 3, 416, 416])
    y = model(x)
    for yii in y:

If you get outputs like the following, then it is a good run:

torch.Size([4, 3, 13, 13, 85])
torch.Size([4, 3, 26, 26, 85])
torch.Size([4, 3, 52, 52, 85])

5. Summary

This post talks about building the Darknet-53 network using PyTorch. The same model can be implemented simply by following the paper and/or the official config file and just writing up the nn.Module class. Alternatively, we can programmatically parse the official config file and build the nn.Module accordingly. We followed the 2nd path in this post.

There are 5 types of blocks in the Darknet-53 model:

  • convolutional: 2D convolution layer with batch normalization and LeakyReLU activation.
  • shortcut: skip connection in a residual block.
  • route: pass-through connections with bigger jumps than shortcut, used to create multi-scale predictions.
  • upsample: up-sample the width and height dimensions.
  • yolo: prepare prediction outputs.

For each type, we created an nn.Module to represent/implement its functionality.

We created a parse_config() function to read and parse the official yolov3.cfg config file.

We create a build_modules() function to read the output from parse_config(), and assemble the Darknet53 model.

In the next post, we will load the pre-train weights into our Darknet53 and perform some inferences.

Author: guangzhi

Created: 2022-06-22 Wed 22:37


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